Organize GitHub Parameters for Infrastructure as Code

Here are more details on how I organize parameters and variables as a follow-up to my previous post on Infrastructure as Code Patterns.


  • Domains help me decide where to define variables and when to pass parameters.
  • Tools are the processes that use variables and parameters.
  • Variables are values that can change between deployments.
  • Parameters are variables used to pass information between domains.
Domain Description
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) or Trigger UI a person uses to change parameters for a deployment.
Note: The human could be replaced by an Automation that triggers the interaction
Automation Plane Tool used to take the UI or Trigger parameters and execute a deployment.
Deployment Tool use to deploy resources to an environment.
Target Environment where resources are deployed.

Domains have additional areas to consider:

  • Framework
    • Command Plane: Variables available to the framework and commands. For example:
    • Runner Plane: Variables available to the host machine or environment executing the commands. For example:
      • GitHub Actions. GITHUB_RUN_ID available as an OS environment variables.
  • Reusabilty

Domain Paramter Sequence

Domain Parameter Sequence

  1. HCI/Trigger - The user or automation triggers the automation orchestration which calls the first child modules which calls the deployment tool.
  2. Deployment - The orchestration calls two child modules which call the resource api to create the target resources.
  3. Deployment - The automation orchestration calls the second module which calls a deployment with only one child module.

GitHub Variables and Parameters

In the GitHub world there are several places to set variables and parameters.

Type Description Access Setting Example
Environment variables Global variable for a single workflow Command Plane: <ul><li>env context</li></ul>
Runner Plane:<ul><li>os environment variable</li></ul>
Command Plane:<ul><li>workflow env</li><li>jobs.<job_id>.env</li><li>jobs.<job_id>.steps[*].env</li></ul>
Runner Plane:<ul><li>echo "my_var=example" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"</li></ul>
<ul><li> PYTHON_VERSION, CMAKE_OPTIONS, CUDA_PATH </li><li>…</li></ul>
Default environment variables Variables available to every step in a workflow. <ul><li>environment variable</li><li>context property</li></ul> Value set by GitHub <ul><li>GITHUB_RUN_ID, RUNNER_OS</li><li>github.run_id, runner.os</li></ul>
Configuration Variables Global variables for use across multiple workflows. vars context. <ul><li>organization</li><li>repository</li><li>environment</li></ul> <ul><li>DOCKERHUB_REPO, APPLE_DEVELOPER_ID, DEFAULT_REGION, ORG_TENANT_ID</li></ul>
Workflow inputs Parameters passed by a user or trigger. <ul><li>github.event.inputs</li><li>on.workflow_call.inputs</li><li>on.workflow_dispatch.inputs</li></ul> UI or event call  

Mapping GitHub Variables and Parameters to Domains

Type Domain Usage GitHub Example
Org Global Automation Variables used between repos and workflows. Configuration Variables DOCKERHUB_REPO, APPLE_DEVELOPER_ID, DEFAULT_REGION, ORG_TENANT_ID
Input parameters HCI - Automation Pass paramter between domains Workflow inputs env, skip_coverage, release_type, profile

Other Stuff

| Type | Capability | Domain | Usage | Example | | —– | ——— | —— | —– | ——- | | Environments | Group Custom Variables and Secrets | HCI/Trigger | Configure environments | dev, test, prod, stable, canary, release | | | Input variables | HCI/Trigger | Parameters passed to an action, resuable workflow, or manually triggered workflow. Parameters that change for each deployment. | env, skip_coverage, release_type, profile | | Org - Custom Variables | Global variable | Automation Plane | Org wide variable used between repos and workflows. | DOCKERHUB_REPO, APPLE_DEVELOPER_ID, DEFAULT_REGION, ORG_TENANT_ID | | Org - Secrets | Global Secure variable | Automation Plane | Org wide secure variable used between repos and workflows. | CODE_SCANNING_TOKEN, CERTIFICATE_BASE64 | | Repo - Custom Variables | Global variable | Automation Plane | Repo wide variable used between workflows. | VERSION, CHANGELOG_BRANCH, BASE_FOLDER_PATH, IAC_PATH | | Repo - Secrets | Global Secure variable | Automation Plane | Repo wide secure variable used between workflows. | CODECOV_TOKEN, REGISTRY_PASSWORD, DOCKERHUB_TOKEN, REPO_DISPATCH_TOKEN | | Workflow - Custom Variables | Global variable | Automation Plane | Variable used between workflow jobs. | PYTHON_VERSION, CMAKE_OPTIONS, CUDA_PATH | | Workflow - Secrets | Global secure variable | Automation Plane | Secure variable used between workflow jobs. | | | Job - Custom Variables | Global variable | Automation Plane | Variable used between job steps. | PYTHON_VERSION, CMAKE_OPTIONS, CUDA_PATH | | Job - Secrets | Global secure variable | Automation Plane | Secure variable used between job steps. | | | Step - Custom Variables | Variable | Automation Plane | Variable used for a single step. | CLIENT_SECRET, PYPI_API_TOKEN, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, API_TOKEN | | Step - Secrets | Secure variable | Automation Plane | Secure variable used for a single step. | GITHUB_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN, OPENAI_API_KEY, CLIENT_ID |

IaC Parameter Types

ARM Templates

Type Capability Domain Usage Example
Parameter Input variables HCI Variable used to pass information location, environment, region, sku
Parameter File Group Custom Variables HCI Deployment environment dev, test, prod, stable, canary, release
Secure Secure variable HCI Secret or sensitive information client_id, client_secret
Configuration Variables Group Custom Variables Deployment Configure environments dev, test, prod, stable, canary, release
Variable Global Variable Deployment Variable used between resources or deployment steps resource_group_name, location, storage_account_name, container_name
Outputs Return value Deployment Return value from a deployment resource_id, resource_name, endpoint


Type Capability Domain Usage Example
Parameter Input variables Deployment Variable used to pass information location, environment, region, sku
Variable Global Variable Deployment Variable used between resources or deployment steps resource_group_name, location, storage_account_name, container_name
Configuration set Group Custom Variables Deployment Configure environments dev, test, prod, stable, canary, release
Outputs Return value Deployment Return value from a deployment resource_id, resource_name, endpoint

General Best Practices

  • Always use parameters for user names, passwords, secrets, and other sensitive information.
  • Don’t store secrets in the code or parameter files. Use a secret store.
  • Use variables for values that you need to use more than once in a workflow or IaC template.
  • Use variables for values that must be unique
  • Use variables for complex expressions.
  • Remove unused parameters and variables.
  • Set variable values in the right domain.
  • Use parameters to pass information between domains.
  • Avoid outputing sensitive data.

Example Configuration

This example uses the following parameters.

  # Setting an environment variable with the value of a configuration variable
  env_var: $

    name: $
    # You can use configuration variables with the `vars` context for dynamic jobs
    if: $
    runs-on: $
    environment: $
    - name: Use variables
      run: |
        echo "repository variable : $REPOSITORY_VAR"
        echo "organization variable : $ORGANIZATION_VAR"
        echo "overridden variable : $OVERRIDE_VAR"
        echo "variable from shell environment : $env_var"
        OVERRIDE_VAR: $
    - name: $
      if: $
      uses: actions/hello-world-javascript-action@main
        who-to-greet: $

GitHub Environments are a way to group parameters. This is useful for defining parameters for different environments. For example, you might have a dev, test, and prod environment. Each environment would have different parameters.


  • Example Workflows https://github.com/supertokens/next.js/tree/canary/.github/workflows
  • Example CI Workflow https://github.com/ITJamie/salt/blob/master/.github/workflows/ci.yml
  • Example choose environment based on eventy type, branch name https://github.com/Fuzzkatt/pytorch/blob/ec18ef62f44e68e154b939ed4f860a2bda69716d/.github/workflows/_binary-upload.yml#L77
  • https://docs.github.com/en/actions/deployment/targeting-different-environments/using-environments-for-deployment